- Login to Your Account: Log in to your website account using your credentials.
- Access Security Settings: Navigate to the security settings within your account dashboard to find the 2FA options.
- Enable 2FA: Choose to enable 2FA for your account.
- Choose Authy: Select Authy as your preferred 2FA method.
- Install Authy: Install the Authy app on your smartphone from the app store.
- Register with Authy: Open the Authy app and sign up for an account using your phone number.
- Link Account: Back on your website, you'll likely see an option to link your account to Authy. Click this and follow the prompts.
- Verify Setup: Authy will send a verification code to your phone. Enter this code on the website to confirm the setup.
- Backup and Sync: Authy allows you to sync your 2FA codes across devices. Set up a backup password and choose whether to sync.
Last Modified: February 21, 2024